The virus first emerged in the world is called [Elk Cloner] was born about 1981 at Texas A & M. Spread through Apple II floppy disks that are operating systemnya. The destroyer is display message on the screen: "It will get on all your disks, it will infiltrate your chips, yes it is Cloner!, It will stick to you like Glue-It will modify RAM too, send in the Cloner!" Hi ... ... ... ... ... .... "
The name "Virus" it selft new after 2 years of birth by Len Adleman on 3 November 1983 in a that how to create viruses and protect their resignation from the virus. But those people often assume that the virus which first emerged is a virus [Brain] were born in 1986. A fair, helping the virus is the most appalling and most widespread karean worm spreads through a DOS diskette that time again ngetrend. The creation also coincides with the [PC-Write Trojan] and [Vindent]
Start time is, `began to control the virus world. Intra egregious and thatcher people! intermittent one year the virus first appeared menginfeksi files. Usually a file that is attacked *. exe virus is named [suriv] in the class of viruses including "Jerusalem". Speed spreads enough 'throb' for the moment. But even this virus' it's too bad 'about this virus strike and teach its IBM mainframe-even' long-time, but one year (ugh year old was briefly yes ... what?)
In 1988, the attacks appear to LARGE Macintosh by the virus [MacMag] and [scores] network and the Internet chastens extirpate the virus made by Robert Morris. In 1989, there are people sent file fraudulent "AIDS information programs" and pick to win, so the file is opened, is not the info about AIDS, but the virus that encription hard drive and ask for payment open code (i ... ... .. there's no-way the money ru)
Since that time, I even spread of the virus not account again. However impacts everybody 'is too large. New 1995 appear large-scale attacks. Even the 'half-hearted, they attack large companies including Griffith Air Force Base, Korean Atomic Research Institute, NASA, IBM and many other Giant COMPANY persecuted by the "INETRNET LIBERATION FRONT" on Thanksgiving Day ~ ~. Because of the courage and fury attacks, the 1995 called year as the Hacker and cracker.
The cracker is never satisfied. Each operating system appears, or new programs, they are ready with a new virus. You are often with MS Word may have Titassic J virus. This is a local native Indonesian virus ... and pretty unique, this virus
"ngingetin" our prayer on time (Simone, I also learned ..) But not one, macro viruses that have the title [concept] can also be aware of this evil, vicious people, and thatcher . Because I learned that evil is pointing ngemusnahin 80% of data files and programs victims.
Now, along with the development of technology, the virus first appeared macro viruses and worms. The name is quite sweet [Melissa]. But even 'more, it is pointing the virus spread to other people via E-Mail and the most painful, he nyebar pointing to all E-Mail address in your address book. And while this is a virus that millions do in 'the Internet known in nature.
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